Monday, February 15, 2010

1st CNY being married

I love Chinese New Year because I get to catch up with my cousins, eat lots of yummy unhealthy stuff and receive red packets!

We still got red packets because we supposedly still can receive it since it's only our 1st year being married? Anyway, I've been giving red packets to my parents and siblings since I started working, so it was not my 1st year giving out red packets.

It was a bit tricky covering both sides of the family. It helps quite a bit that Edmund comes from a small family because my side is huge. Edmund has never had such a hectic 1st day of CNY is his life! We went to 8 homes on day 1. Usually Edmund only goes to 1.

On the 2nd day of CNY, we invited some of our friends over for drinks and new year goodies. Below is a photo of Edmund looking like he'd be a great daddy. (I know he will) Kids love Edmund!

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