Thursday, June 18, 2009

Unhealthy bride

While most brides would be watching their diet if their wedding were less than 100 days away, I'm doing the opposite. I think it's the stress at work. Lunch and going home is the only thing I look forward to each work day.

I've been eating lots of unhealthy fried food much to the horror of my colleague who is getting married 1 week after me. While she's eating more healthily, I've been most reckless in what I'm shoving down my throat.

Today was quite bad...

I had fried chicken cutlet with chicken rice from the Malay stall and topped it off with a chocolate peanut butter waffle in 1 sitting. My colleagues were shocked! But honestly, I have no regrets with the waffle. It was so YUMMY! For tea, I had a moist and rich chocolate muffin made by my senior manager.

Maybe I should sms the gown designer that she might want to make the gown slightly bigger for expansion purposes...

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