Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas cards

What a treat to receive 2 Christmas cards from UK today. One was from my sister and the other was from Kay.

While my dad and sister communicate via skype, my sister and I write letters/cards to each other. We take the opportunity to show off our pretty letter-writing papers/cards and enjoy the thrill of receiving a non-bill/advertisement in the mail!

Taken in Hokkaido - Jul 08

We planned the wedding date to fall during my sister's school holidays so that she can be back for my wedding. I thought it so sweet of my sister to want to be the best bridesmaid!

Kay and I have known each other since 1993. It's amazing how we've stayed in contact all these years even though we don't go to the same church/school and are sooooo different! Kay really makes the effort with friends and it's good for me to have more free-spirited, artistic and creative friends to balance me off!

Kay can't be back for my wedding but she's been helping me with my wedding remotely from where she is by giving me great ideas. I'm looking forward to her visit back home to Singapore in Jan 09. Kay's a budding photographer and she's kindly volunteered to spend some time with me to do a little pre-pre-wedding shoot for me! Haha! I LURVE taking photos! *vain*

Taken in Kay's room - Jun 07. We need a better photo of us together, Kay!


Anonymous said...

I'm trying! :) Every time I see a promotional email from one of the travel agents I subscribe to, first thing I do is to check if the dates coincide with September!

Sue said...

Thanks Kay!!! :) Having you help me remotely with ideas and you offering to do our little photo-shoot in Jan09 is more than I can ask for as a friend. Knowing that you want to and are trying is really good enough for me! Cos I understand the time/leave and money factor.

Lynn said...

hello jiejie! I feel SOOOOO SUPER HONOURED to be mentioned in your blog like that!:):)