FINALLY!!! (Daniel & Ivy must be so relieved! ;p They've been so patient with us!)
Last night, Edmund & DL were at the seller's house from about 10pm-12midnight. We got the Kovan flat for $20K above valuation.
I know some people will think it's too much to pay in such market conditions, but if you've visited more than 40 HDB flats and experienced how difficult/time-consuming the whole process is, you might think otherwise. I think Boon Yeow & Faith, Andy & Pearlyn, Matthias & Cynthia would be able to identify with me! ;p
Edmund & DL both say God's hand was upon the whole transaction. Here's why:-
1. Seller has visited LSBC before and recognised DL. DL felt there was a level of respect there.
2. Seller turned down an offer of $25K above valuation before and there were supposedly a few other interested parties besides us.
3. Seller's agent said that this was the 1st time the seller's wife was around during a viewing & negotiation. She was the key person to say "SELL!"
4. The last time Edmund tried to negotiate for a Sengkang 5-rm flat, he couldn't explain why but felt that $363K was the price to pay. We're paying $363K for this Kovan flat since we have an additional $10K grant being near parents + payment for the upcoming lift upgrading that should be all done by the time we shift in.
I was telling my colleague that it's hard to explain feelings sometimes. When we shortlisted the "Purple-M" house at Sengkang last time, it was because it was the best of the lot. But I just couldn't explain my feelings of hesitation. It was logical but the feeling wasn't right. Besides, negotiations just kept falling through. The fact that it was so hard made it obvious it wasn't God's plan for us.
But I think God had to bring us on the long "Sengkang journey" to prepare us for this Kovan flat. That's another story on it's own! Am I making sense to you?
God is good! Once again, He PROVIDES! Many thanks to friends who prayed for us and encouraged us through our house-search! =)
Now to get back to wedding preparation! Ha!