Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Phone call

I got the phone call I was waiting for all month to receive. I start my new job on 16 Feb.

I'm awfully grateful to God.
I'm really grateful for Boon Yeow & Faith.

Oct 08: At Island Creamery. (Faith & Yeow, we must take a better photo the next time!)

Getting married means a lot of changes for me. On top of the change of status, home and lifestyle, I also have to change church and job.

To space out the many changes, the 1st to change was the job. Humanly not a good time to be changing job, but with God in control, it was a matter of leaving things to Him.

He positioned people ahead of me. First, it was wonderful friends like Boon Yeow & Faith. Second, it was the big boss and assistant big boss that are both christians.

What a treat to be able to have some contact with ex-church friends at my new workplace especially when I leave after getting married.

In bimbotic and irreverent but affectionate fashion: I wish I could give Him a big thank-you hug! He's the best!

1 comment:

a portion of me said...

You can really lead a TAI TAI life for 2 weeks..woo hoo!!!!!